How to Create a RESTful API Using Flask

Notice the addition of DELETE is passed to the method’s parameter in the annotation. All the steps in this section edit the same file, We can make Flask API more secure with basic authentication using Flask basic authentication.

How to Create REST API Endpoints with FlaskThe REST protocol gives clients access to resources stored in a database and allows clients to perform operations on the stored data. The following sections show you how to create the CRUD operations for your Flask web API. We have learned to create Flask REST API from scratch and its maintenance easily and securely. REST APIs are of a different kind and are used for other purposes. You can also use routing with APIs, like creating a function in a separate file and using it as a decorator with a main Application use case.

Part 2 — End to End Machine Learning Model Deployment Using Flask

In this guide, we learned how to build a simple RESTful Flask CRUD API. We also performed some CRUD operations. We can improve on this by adding a validator to verify the requests we receive from our clients. We will pass the movie id to our endpoint, and we will use the PUT method.

restful api python flask

Going further, you can learn about fastAPI too, which is a fast, modern, and high-speed framework for building APIs. Of course, this code is quite basic, and the two routes we created should probably load the list of users and delete users from a database before returning a result. Initially, you import flask as well as the module flask restful. Overall, I think you’ve done a nice job putting together this material.


Blueprints allow us to separate various endpoints into subdomains. This is used when we want to host the Flask application on HTTPS instead of HTTP. Expects ssl.SSLContext , a tuple in the form , or the string ‘adhoc’ if the server should automatically create the context. For the home endpoint, if you access the URL without the trailing slash, then Flask redirects you to the URL with the trailing slash. You can also use jsonify to automatically serialize lists and tuples to JSON Response.

Can I use Python for REST API?

One of the most popular ways to build APIs is the REST architecture style. Python provides some great tools not only to get data from REST APIs but also to build your own Python REST APIs.

You can even try the endpoint out by clicking the Try it out button. The Swagger UI API documentation gives you a way to explore and experiment with the API without having to write any code to do so. In line 5, you create a helper function named get_timestamp() that generates a string representation restful api python flask of the current timestamp. You’ll extend the home.html file later to work with the REST API that you’re developing. Flask comes with the Jinja Templating Engine, which enables you to enhance your templates. But your home.html template is a basic HTML file without any Jinja features.

How to build a user interface for loan approval prediction app and set up the backend using flask

Your project dependencies are important — manage them efficiently. All the code snippets of this article are available on my GitHub Page. Note that in both blueprints, the /hello/ route is calling the hello function.

Can you use REST API with Flask?

Being lightweight, easy to adopt, well-documented, and popular, Flask is a good option for developing RESTful APIs.

Using dictionaries in a simple use case like the one above is enough. However, for more complex applications that deal with different entities and have multiple business rules and validations, we might need to encapsulate our data into Python classes. As we will use this file to check if Flask was correctly installed, we don’t need to nest it in a new directory.

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