47 Terms You Should Know When Working with a Developer

As the global population grows, so does the demand for a wider array of products and services. However, this surge in demand often leads to production processes that generate increased waste, posing a significant threat to our environment. Sir James Black’s passion, curiosity, determination, and perseverance are an inspiration for anyone trying to achieve their goals. The two medicines he developed were among the most important contributions to medicine and pharmacology in the 20th century.

Fundamental Research — — “Pure research” or “Basic Research”; Research into the first principles or underlying science; Research aimed at creating new knowledge. It’s also much easier to read with a clickable table of contents, which I’ve created on this website. I made it because I wanted a reference library of all of these terms, complete with links to all my favorite content on each subject. Tax Stabilization Agreement…agreement to not raise taxes significantly; used to assure potential in-vestors of a stable tax environment.

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Business Case — The justification for making a product, from a financial and market standpoint; justifying why it makes sense to embark on the project. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value.” — Michael Porter, What is Strategy HBR. Ecosystem — A collection of products and/or services which share some relationship to one another and often work symbiotically.

The most common training methods include classroom training, workshops, speakers, peer groups and one-on-one counseling, lectures, internships, as well as self-study and home-study. Business Retention… systematic effort designed to keep local companies content at their present locations which includes helping companies cope with changing economic conditions and internal company problems. The products, capital goods, and services that result from a development intervention; it may also include changes resulting from the intervention that are relevant to the achievement of outcomes (OECD-DAC).

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This typically happens at smaller startups because of a lack of resources and the BD team members will focus on the whole sales cycle from finding to developing to closing potential customers and growing all current customers. IDEs provide a centralized user interface for code writing and testing, so programmers can make quick changes, recompile programs and run them again. Of course, programming is not an easy job, and IDE software helps streamline development processes. This block of the mobile app development glossary dives into key design terms and ideas. Scrum — Is an Agile “process framework” most often used to develop complex software; it’s a set of practices and methods, usually including a cross-functional team working on specific projects within a time-bound sprint. Dual-track Development — Something used in Agile software development mostly, this includes Discovery Track and Delivery Track; Discovery is determining what to build, for lack of a better description, and Delivery is actually building it right.

In the case of consortium bank CDCs, where several banks join to-gether, the investors do not have to be just local banks. Business Incubator… entity that nurtures and supports young companies until they become viable, providing them with affordable space, technical and management support, equity and long-term debt financing, and employment. The three basic objectives in creating an incubator are (1) to spur technology-based development; (2) to diversify the local economy; and (3) to assist in community revitalization.


Special Assessment Funds…costs of a project that benefit a specific group of properties may be as-sessed to those individuals and accounted for in the special assessment fund. Since its inception, the SBA has delivered more than 13 million loans, loan guarantees, con-tracts, and other form of assistance to small businesses. Shift-Share Analysis…a method used to examine a local area’s basic industries in terms of their growth and decline relative to national or regional trends. Opportunity Cost…the revenue forgone by choosing one use of money and resources over another. The opportunity cost of investing in the stock market is the interest that the money could have earned while sitting in the bank. All financed environmental projects must be certified by the Border Environment Cooperation Commission, be related to potable water supply, wastewater treatment or municipal solid waste management and be located in the border region.

development glossary

During the Napoleonic Wars the Emperor himself ordered the fortifications of Hanau to be destroyed. This created a chance for both parts of the town configuration control boards to expand across their traditional limits. In 1813, the Battle of Hanau took place near the city between French troops and Austro-Bavarian forces.

Market Research

As loans are repaid, the capital is returned to the fund and then reloaned to another project. RLFs are evergreen sources of funding that can be continuously recycled to support different projects in perpetuity. They are often managed by governments and nonprofit organizations to ensure that small businesses and enterprises in sectors not typically eligible for commercial lending can obtain access to working capital for expansion and growth. EDA provides grants to eligible recipients to capitalize or recapitalize RLFs.

  • Sustainable development helps ensure a better, healthier living environment and contributes to an area’s quality of life, one of the main goals of economic development.
  • Infrastructure Banks…public-targeted lending facilities, financed through a combination of bond issues, government funds and external donor support.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis…a method for evaluating the profitability of alternative uses of resources.
  • A promise of value that you plan on delivering which you communicate to your customers or potential customers.
  • The Office of Management and Budget has designated EDA as the lead integrator of federal economic development resources.

This treatment can reduce the number and severity of stomach ulcers. The discovery of cimetidine helped to make stomach ulcers a treatable disease, rather than a disease that could reduce a person’s lifespan. Oftentimes, a glossary of source and target language terms does not exist for content which is to be translated into one or more languages. Interpro offers comprehensive multilingual glossary development for those projects that would benefit from them prior to beginning the actual translation phase. Understanding these terms, or using these as a reference point, should make it easier to interact with BD teams and familiarize yourself with the work you’ll be completing. We will continue to add to this list as new terms become relevant to the daily work of business development professionals.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Outcomes are usually in the form of behavioral or organizational changes. The credibility or “truth value” of a causal connection between a program and specific outcome. Approaches to evaluation that prescribe a specific role and purpose for the evaluation. The extent to which findings from an evaluation can be generalized to other, perhaps broader, settings and groups. The extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance (OECD-DAC). The interest rate used in cost-benefit analysis to adjust the value of past or future cash flows to present net value.

development glossary

A strategic plan that defines a desired outcome and lists out the milestones to achieve the end result. Roadmaps are typically in written form and measured by specific metrics. A BD strategy that positions the business to enter a new market and obtain new business. This strategy is often used when the current market has become saturated. Documented research of the current state of competitors, actions, and future plans of a particular industry or within a particular market.

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Disruptive Innovation — a disruption (new technology or production) that creates a new market, or significantly changes the behavior of current consumers in a market. Customer Acquisition — This is the sprawling world of identifying potential customers and doing all activities to “capture” or acquire them as actual customers; includes identifying “leads” and the various stages of acquisition, from identification to nurturing to capture. Minimum Viable Product — The MVP is as basic a prototype as is possible to facilitate a build-test-learn cycle; the bare-bones prototype required to test something; Often cited as a milestone stage in product development when learning begins.

Dynamic programming improves recursive algorithms with approaches like memoization (top-down) or tabulation (bottom-up). A code smell is an occurrence of poor patterns that indicate more profound issues with the system design and necessitate refactoring. Refactoring is the process of editing code to reduce or eliminate technical debt, generally undertaken to reduce code smells. An API is a well-defined interface through which two software applications can communicate with each other and abstract the inner workings.

Daniel Pink — Popular author, most well-known for his book Drive, which is about human behavior and motivation, which is pretty good stuff to understand if you work with humans to build products for other humans. Good Managers Write — Pretty over-generalized assessment, but writing tends to be very useful for management guidance — it forces people to choose their words carefully and builds accountability because it’s permanent. Management versus Leadership — Kind of a lame entry on this list, but there are numerous quotes about managing people (helping them do their jobs) and leading people (inspiring people); it’s a good distinction to be aware of. When this happens to a group, accountability is lost among the team; With nobody holding one another accountable, there is no real team. Actions are not coordinated well and cohesive, unified action cannot be achieved. Strong Matrix — Most of the power and authority lies with the project manager, not the functional managers; project manager is usually in control of the budget and can force functional people to work on his or her project, rather than requesting work from functional managers.

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